You Can’t Escape Rejection

Have you ever put yourself out there for someone that seems like a once and a lifetime soul?

Someone special in ways that you can’t begin to describe.

But in the the back of your head, you tell yourself it will never work.

You’re not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough for them.

Even so, you muster up the courage to put your cards on the table, whispering to yourself that you have nothing left to lose.

As you prepare for the fall out and rejection, a little piece of you still grasp on to hope. Wishing that this time is different.

This time they’ll like you.

This time they’ll  choose you.

This time they’ll notice just how great you really are.

That last piece of hope eats at you as the hours and days pass without any sign that they even know that you exist.

How can you feel so much while they feel so little?

You try to tell yourself that you prepared for this. You knew it wasn’t going to happen anyway. And you feel stupid for every letting that tiny shred of hope make its way into your mind.

The emotions that bombard you when you’re rejected slowly sneak up on you until they’re all you can feel.

Depression. Anger. Sadness. Regret. Numbness. Fear. Loneliness.

It’s not the thought of rejection that scares you.

It’s that for a second, you actually believed you had a chance.
